Angelina Jolie set to shift focus away from acting pursuits

In a recent interview with Du Jour magazine, Angelina Jolie shared that she has never truly felt at ease in the acting industry and is considering retiring from the profession altogether.

In a recent feature in Du Jour magazine, the stunning Angelina Jolie revealed that she has never really enjoyed being in front of the camera. Despite this, she had never thought about becoming a director until recently and now hopes to pursue this new career path as it brings her more happiness. When asked about whether she plans on giving up acting altogether in the future, Jolie confidently stated that she does have this plan. The actress also talked about her two latest films as a director, Unbroken and By the Sea, where she also took on an acting role alongside her partner, Brad Pitt. By the Sea tells the story of a married couple in 1970s France with a complicated relationship.

According to Angelina Jolie, acting isn’t a role she’s ever felt at ease with. In particular, directing her own performance alongside that of Brad Pitt in the film By the Sea presented significant challenges. The emotional weight of the movie made it difficult, but also rewarding as they pushed each other to deliver their best performances.

It’s been almost 10 years since Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt shared the big screen in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but they’ve reunited for two upcoming movies. Fans are excitedly anticipating her potential Oscar win as a director for these films. Jolie has previously won an Academy Award in 1999 for her acting role in Girl Interrupted. There have also been hints that this mother of six may be considering a career in politics.

The latest issue of Du Jour magazine features Angelina Jolie and Jack O’Connell, the lead actor in her directed film, Unbroken.

Jack O’Connell can still be seen in Angelina Jolie’s film By the Sea.

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